Naomi has become the favourite of the girls and teachers in Bora Academy after she helps the school recover the stolen van and helps solve the mystery of the vanishing school library books. She is also the best story teller in the school and gets the entire school’s attention through the story she tells of Odeyi.
Odeyi is less gifted academically and misunderstands all the instructions he gets from his aunt, Mrs Matata. At one time this lands him in trouble and he is arrested by the police. Odeyi is enrolled by his aunt at County Urban Primary School. Even though he does not excell in his studies he becomes the best footballer in the school. Through his efforts, his school beats the unbeatable Malengo Primary School team.
This hilarious story teaches that we must acknowledge our talents and develop them; that one may not be gifted academically but could excel in extra curricular activities the way Odeyi does in football. The story is suitable for class 5 and 6 pupils.
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